WE ARE WHAT WE EAT - forum open-farm

Written by Author | Sep 11, 2021

It's another truth, besides WE ARE WHAT WE EAT.
And with this awareness, with respect to our mutual union, the speakers succeeded each other to eventually find ourselves as one.
The theme of the event was COMMUNICATION, all-round Communication, around the primary value.
The customer is the consumer: all of us are the customer. And the choice affects us every day, when we go to the supermarket.
We make the difference together. With positive energy.
The key question: what does the consumer require from us?
1. To communicate what we eat from the land, to the animal's plate, to the human plate.
2. Sustainability. But what is sustainability? Where does it start? From agriculture. Consumers must be trained not to buy at the lowest cost, but in a conscious way.
3. Animal welfare
4. Nutritious food.

FROM THE FILD TO THE TABLE: all our complete staff came to the event to give value to food from its origins!
The main ingredient of our message is the "Alfalfa" :
- special recipes, cooked by Maurizio Spada, chef of Bistrot Pastis_official
- Ham seasoned with alfalfa hay of Salumi I Malafronte
- Cheeses brought directly from our customers' farms.
With special thanks to Chef Bertolini srl.
Here below the featured dishes:
1. Tipical Italian "Zeppole" with Alfalfa Flour and Alfalfa Honey
2. Ricotta cheese seasoned with Alfalfa and Orange, with typican Italian Bread (from Sardinia) "Carasau Bread" and Alfalfa Honey
3. Dessert: Mascarpone cream with Sbrisoline Alfalfa and dark chocolate